What About Me? The Silent Listener

Do you have a friend or family member that everyone loves to talk with because they are great listeners? Have you ever wondered what they are feeling as they listen to all the things everyone loves to share with them? These people are the silent listeners that many assume must share their thoughts with a few select friends.

Everyone Is Selling Every Day

Mention the word ‘sales’ to someone who isn’t a professional salesperson or one who does not make their living directly by selling, and watch the fireworks. Many people visibly recoil at the idea that they, like all of us are selling every day. They resent and resist the suggestion, arguing from every angle that they do not and have never engaged in ‘sales.’

It All Started With A Pie

We were watching Public Morals on television last week, and one of the characters was sitting on the tub in her teeny tiny apartment, crying because she felt trapped. She was genuinely sad. The Gina of the past could 100% relate.

Here I Go Again

How many times in your life have you found yourself saying, “Here I go again… ?” Time after time we can start over and have the best of intentions and find ourselves right back where we were when said those words the last time. Why do we keep ending up in the same circumstances over and over?

Life’s About Being Really Clear What’s Important to You

We each come prewired to live such a clarity of purpose that gets us out of bed, makes us strive through the day, where we can be content of an evening. We were all designed to work hard in a real area of passion. When passion is infused within us, impelling us forward, that work becomes a joy.

Aging and The Meaning of Life

What is life all about? The answer is that each person must find meaning in life. One of the most effective ways to do that is through relationships with others, especially as we age.

The Blame Game: How to Stop It

When things don’t go the way that you expected or hoped for, one of the first things that you might want to do is find someone to blame. Is it your employer’s fault that you got a poor performance review? Are your children driving you crazy?

Grace and the Blessing of Awareness

Most people begrudge the awareness of behavior or character flaw that is causing problems in their life. Why not view it as a blessing that you have been given the opportunity to make a positive change in your life.

3 Things to Make You a Better Person

We often think that life is hard but the truth is we are hard in this life. This guide is to make you a better person from emotional struggles in life.

Shattered, Tattered, Broken, and Emerging

“Everything seemed so dark… ” “I felt like I was lost in a cave with no opening to escape… ” These words spring from the darkest part of someone’s life as they ponder whether it is worth continuing the journey; it is. Maybe you have never reached this depth of despair, or maybe you are there now, wondering if you can still go on if it’s worth it. It is.

Are You Forgetting Your Guidance?

Gerald was raised in a family whose God was money and success. There was no religion practiced and neither of his parents had any spiritual connection. Gerald grew up focused on externals only — looks, performance, and material possessions.

Driving Perfectionism Way Out of Town

PERFECTIONISM is at the root of many evils of unconsciousness that grow great trees of unacknowledged shame in us. Let me attempt to illustrate.




We have got ten relationship advices for couples that you must not ignore. Have a healthy relationship with these simple tips.